Gain extra cash, lock in a fixed payment, lower your payment or increase your cash flow by paying off high interest debt! These are some of the benefits and options available to you by properly and responsibly refinancing your San Diego home loan! Mountain Trust Mortgage's refinance programs are tailored to fit your specific lending needs.
There are many things to consider when refinancing your home loan and it is important to talk about your loan options with your loan officer. Because the fees associated with refinancing can add up quickly, many mortgage companies waive the fees which may results in a slightly higher percentage than expected.
The amount of time you plan to spend in your home will also impact your decision to refinance, so many mortgage lenders will allow home owners who expect to live in their home for a minimum of three to five years the option to pay "points" and closing costs upfront, which ensures that the home owner obtains the lowest percentage rate possible.
Let's talk about refinancing! Know your options!
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1. My credit isn't great and I doubt I'll be approved for a home loan.
False. Your credit is revolving door and can be repaired in your favor, all you have to do is be willing to overcome this misconception by connecting with us.
2. I have no money saved for a down payment so I can’t afford the house I want to buy.
False. There are many types of loan programs, some of which require little or no down payments. Contact us to learn more about these programs.
3. My employment history is spotty and no one will give me a loan.
False. Regardless of your employment history we can still work with you to get a loan, give us a call to see what your options are.